Market analysis and price forecasts

Last week, the price of raw materials showed a trend of rising, which was mainly due to the support of policies and raw materials.
Today is December 10th. How will steel prices change next week? Let’s talk about our personal views:
Our personal view is that “prices are on the strong side”. Prices are mainly affected by macro expectations. This week’s Politburo working meeting was held and the main tone of economic operation was determined. That is to seek progress while maintaining stability, promote stability through advancement, establish first and then break, and strengthen counter-cyclical and inter-cyclical adjustment of macroeconomic policies. These policies then set the tone for our proactive work. The Central Economic Work Conference is expected to be held next week, and the government will confirm some more detailed things about the economy. The peak season depends on demand, and the off-season depends on expectations. Under the current situation of good expectations, the impact of macro policies in the off-season accounts for a larger weight. Therefore, based on the analysis of all aspects, the steel market next week is expected to be strong.
The above views are for reference only.

Post time: Dec-12-2023